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Building HomeSpun Co. with a Little Bit of Humor and a Whole Lot of Yarn

In a world where it's easy to fret the small stuff, Heidi decided that life’s too short for that nonsense. With eight kids and a talent for multitasking that would impress even the most seasoned juggler, she turned her knack for making practical, handmade items into HomeSpun Co.—a brand where humor meets hard work, and everything’s done with a touch of sarcastic wit. Here’s how it all came together.

2008: The Birth of Spitties

Back in 2008, life was already a whirlwind for Heidi. She was expecting her seventh child, and between managing the needs of six other kids and preparing for a new baby, she noticed a glaring problem: burp cloths were simply too small to be of any real use. Every time she used one, it felt like trying to stop a tidal wave with a tissue. Instead of just dealing with it, Heidi decided to take matters into her own hands.

Out came the sewing machine, and after a few tweaks and trials, the “Spitty” was born—an oversized burp cloth that was not only practical but actually covered her entire shoulder. It was a simple solution to an everyday problem, but it made a world of difference. Friends and family started asking for them, and soon enough, Heidi found herself making Spitties for more than just her own family.

The Spitty was proof that when necessity meets creativity, you get something that truly works. And in Heidi’s case, it was the beginning of something much bigger.

2009: Launching Spitties4Kiddies

By 2009, word had spread beyond her circle of friends. Heidi decided it was time to turn her little invention into something more. That’s when Spitties4Kiddies was born, complete with the catchy tagline, “Spit Happens.” Because let’s face it—babies are messy, and there’s no point in pretending otherwise.

Spitties quickly became popular among new moms who were tired of constantly changing shirts or dealing with tiny cloths that didn’t do the job. The practical design, combined with Heidi’s down-to-earth approach, made Spitties a hit. One hospital even got on board, recognizing that Spitties made a much more personal and useful gift than the standard onesie with a doctor’s name on it.

  • From hobby to business: Spitties grew from a personal project into a business venture.

  • “Spit Happens” resonated with real moms: The relatable tagline and practical design appealed to busy moms everywhere.

  • Hospitals loved the practicality: Spitties became a thoughtful and functional gift for new moms.

2012: The Minkle Takes Center Stage

By 2012, Heidi’s creative streak was still going strong. After the success of Spitties, she was on the lookout for her next big idea. It came to her in the form of The Minkle—a sensory toy that combined the best features of a stuffed animal and a blanket. But The Minkle wasn’t just any toy; it was a carefully crafted comfort item made from the softest minky and flannel fabrics.

The Minkle’s unique design quickly caught the attention of parents and grandparents. It was the perfect size for little hands to carry around, and its soft textures made it a soothing companion for babies and toddlers. The sensory tags on the corners added an extra layer of appeal, giving little ones something to fiddle with, which was a huge hit.

Before long, The Minkle became the must-have baby shower gift. Parents loved it so much that they started buying spares, just in case their child’s beloved Minkle needed a wash or, heaven forbid, got lost. Heidi was once again filling a gap in the market with something that was not only practical but also loved by those who used it.

  • Sensory-friendly and super soft: The Minkle’s combination of minky and flannel fabrics made it an instant favorite.

  • A hit with parents and kids: Its comforting design and practical features made The Minkle a go-to for families.

  • The ultimate baby shower gift: The Minkle quickly became a top choice for baby showers and new grandparent gifts.

2015: Rediscovering the Joy of Crochet

2015 marked a turning point for Heidi as she rediscovered her love for crochet—a craft she had dabbled in before but hadn’t fully embraced until now. With the kids growing up and life moving at a slightly less frantic pace, she found herself reaching for a crochet hook more often. What started as a way to relax and unwind quickly turned into a full-fledged passion.

Crochet became Heidi’s constant companion. Whether she was waiting in the car for kids to finish practice, sitting through yet another sports game, or just stealing a few minutes of peace at home, she was always working on a project. Her newfound obsession led to an impressive collection of crocheted dolls, animals, and plushies—each one meticulously crafted and full of personality.

Heidi’s crochet creations quickly gained a following. Friends, family, and eventually customers couldn’t get enough of her handmade dolls and plushies. Crochet wasn’t just a hobby; it was a way for Heidi to express her creativity and share a piece of herself with others.

  • Crochet as a stress-reliever: Crochet provided a creative outlet that helped Heidi manage the chaos of everyday life.

  • Always working on something: Heidi’s crochet projects accompanied her everywhere, from sports practices to family gatherings.

  • A craft that became a passion: What began as a hobby evolved into a true love for the art of crochet.

2021: The Birth of HomeSpun Co.

By 2021, Heidi’s various creative endeavors had outgrown their humble beginnings. It was time to bring everything together under one cohesive brand. HomeSpun Co. was born out of Heidi’s desire to create a space where all her handmade products could be showcased together, reflecting her unique blend of humor, hard work, and creativity.

HomeSpun Co. wasn’t just another shop—it was the culmination of years of trial, error, and countless late nights. Heidi knew that every item she made carried a piece of her with it, from the oversized Spitties to the cuddly Minkles and her ever-growing collection of crocheted dolls and plushies. Each product was a testament to her dedication to quality, practicality, and a touch of fun.

With HomeSpun Co., Heidi created a brand that was as easygoing and hardworking as she is. It’s a place where customers can find handmade products that are crafted with care, a bit of humor, and a whole lot of love.

  • HomeSpun Co. brings it all together: The brand unifies all of Heidi’s creations under one name, making it easier for customers to find what they love.

  • A brand built on hard work and humor: HomeSpun Co. reflects Heidi’s approach to life—practical, fun, and always done with a smile.

  • Handmade with heart and a smile: Every item at HomeSpun Co. is a labor of love, crafted with care and attention to detail.

2022: The Grand Opening

2022 was a milestone year for Heidi as she officially opened the doors to HomeSpun Co. The grand opening was an exciting event, bringing together long-time customers, new faces, and plenty of laughter. It was more than just a launch—it was a celebration of everything Heidi had worked so hard to achieve.

The weekend was filled with excitement as customers got to see, touch, and purchase items they had previously only admired online. Heidi finally had the chance to connect with her customers in person, sharing stories and learning about the impact her products had on their lives. The grand opening wasn’t just about sales; it was about building a community around HomeSpun Co.

The support from family, friends, and customers was overwhelming, and it was clear that HomeSpun Co. had struck a chord. Heidi’s vision of creating a brand that combined practicality, quality, and a bit of humor had come to life, and she couldn’t have been more thrilled.

  • A successful grand opening: The event marked the official launch of HomeSpun Co. and was met with enthusiasm from customers and supporters.

  • Connecting with customers in person: Heidi valued the opportunity to meet the people who had supported her journey.

  • HomeSpun Co. becomes a community: The brand quickly grew into more than just a shop; it became a place where like-minded people could connect and share their love for handmade products.

Present Day: Keeping It All Together

Today, Heidi continues to balance the demands of HomeSpun Co. with her busy family life. With 29 years of marriage, eight kids, and a growing number of grandbabies, there’s never a dull moment. But through it all, Heidi has managed to keep her sense of humor and her unwavering work ethic intact.

Whether she’s crocheting in the car while waiting for kids to finish practice, managing the day-to-day operations of HomeSpun Co., or spending time with her family, Heidi approaches everything with the same easygoing attitude and dedication. She’s not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get the work done, but she does it all with a smile and a wink.

Life may be hectic, but Heidi wouldn’t have it any other way.

Support family-owned businesses that keep it real. Shop at HomeSpun Co. for handmade products that are crafted with care and a wink of sarcasm.

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